Meeting with Jai

We had a very productive dialog with Jai today on OSGrid. Hopefully this will help dispell some of the rumor mill that has been going on. I’d like to thank Jai for visiting and meeting with us.

Dialog below:

~ by walterbalazic on February 11, 2013.

2 Responses to “Meeting with Jai”

  1. I don’t quite know whose bandwagon I’ll be stepping onto here, but … here goes. This is an open response to the issues, in general .. and not directed at any one individual or group.

    I’m a relatively new member at OSG, but have been a 3D Citizen for a long time .. and I’m old enough that I come from old school thought. From my perspective, too many people take these ‘free’ platforms for granted. They go in, see all this freedom and free stuff and think, “Goodie. Mine.” It’s a mindset of a ‘do-me’ society that gets under my skin and rails. It’s the age of entitlement at its worst.

    The next time y’all want to screech at an admin, stop and think, “What have I done to give back, in fair exchange for what I’ve been given.” Truthfully, we don’t have ‘rights’ in these platforms, we have privileges. More often than not, they’re extremely generous privileges that begin to feel like rights. But, they’re NOT. The fact that they can disappear at any time is our first clue.
    ##end rant##

    As for the current state of affairs and the vocalized issues.

    First .. refer to my rant.

    Second, there’s an aspect of all this that’s not being discussed nearly enough: the legal aspects of converting the grid to a non profit (not-for-profit? … I’m not sure which they’re considering) organization. Once the organization becomes a legal entity, even though there’s supposed to be a measure of safety built in, the board members CAN be sued and held liable for any …. well .. anything anyone wants to sue for. They’ll be responsible for DMCA claims, accusations of child abuse/pedophilia, mishandling of funds .. and the list goes on. Frankly, I think it’s a shame that the admins are getting so much grief for managing to carry on, instead of all the sh*t that’s been hitting the fan. How many people have been able or willing to do it? Have you? If not, try supporting the person who does, for a change.

    I doubt, seriously, that the recent decisions/mandates have been made from personal opinions or preferences. But, as Walter points out in the chat log, the real problem, here, seems to be lack of clarity. The town hall meeting logs that I’ve read have been full of accusations and recriminations, with the rare question asking for clarity.

    Here’s a clue: if you get riled up at something .. first – calm down, second – ask for clarification, third – read my rant. When was the last time YOU gave something to the grid. And I don’t mean pay for your sim, either. I mean, when was the last time you gave something to

  2. The meeting with Jai was very productive, and it is good to see some rational discussion regarding this devisive issue.

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