Three weeks…

I’ll announce the winner of the pool in OSgrid when I calculate the results…. I know the person this is based on says they don’t read this (right….) but I know they do so… THIS is exactly why when you asked I said you can’t be believed or trusted and called you a liar. Do me a favor and keep me out of your blogs, don’t apologize, then call me a hater, then apologize, then whine in my e-mails, beg forgiveness, and tell me you’ll do anything so we don’t hate you, then talk about how rotten we all are on your blog. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has tried to help you time to time, and you do nothing but FUCK everyone over you come near, you lie, you create drama, and you burn EVERY bridge you can on the way out. Steer clear of all of us. And btw.. We don’t hate you we think your an idiot and comic relief. We had the biggest party we’ve ever seen on one sim for your funeral. EVERYONE was there dancing on your casket, not just my hater family, but grid admins, your “friends” and everyone you think loves you so much. Get over yourself. Nobody cares if your back, and we all knew you would be because liars are predictable, and you are both.

~ by walterbalazic on September 12, 2012.

One Response to “Three weeks…”

  1. Hallelujah! She is risen! Praise Her!!

    Seriously, to be such a ‘hater’ with a ‘hater family’ you all have been nothing but consistently nice and helpful to me and everyone else. Just sayin’.

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