Lying will always improve your agenda…. Metropolis Grid

I’m going to go right into it. There’s been NOTHING but a pack of lies going on around the VW’s lately. First and formost I’ll point to the blog “Jai the Grid Expore Kid! =^.^=”. This nitwit and several other rocket scientists have decided that lying about OSGrid, Littlefield, and/or myself personally is the best way to promote the Metropolis grid. I think the grid admins at Metropolis should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this, and for “using” this type of slag to promote their grid. Here’s a few lies that recently have cropped up simply for Metropolis and their supporters to increase their userbase:

(taken from Jai the Grid Expore Kid! =^.^= blog):

However, these issues are important, as a good friend brought up this very same point to me and it is as follows:
“if I remember right, Hiro owns Simhost, and Simhost hosts Littlefield and most (if not all) of Walter Balazic’s regions. (WB being the owner of Littlefield)

All of the old greeters were booted out and replaced with people from …Littlefield.

Putting them in the perfect spot to influence new users and guide them into buying hosting through Walter…and (by proxy) Simhost.”
In other words, Hiro is flaunting his power and using it for his own personal gain.

Let’s address this… First of all, there isn’t ONE greeter who is part of the Littlefield administration. Second of all although we just like many other people rent our servers from Simhost we aren’t in “business” and have frequently turned people away from renting from us. We rent regions to people (and in alot of cases GIVE them away to people supporting OSGrid’s community) simply as a convenience to people who are friends of ours, and people who are looking for a place to host a region and not have to deal with all the behind the scenes tech work involved in it. To say that Hiro an/or Littlefield gets ANYTHING out of this financially is absurd as we LOSE about $400.00 a month in server rental supporting things like Littlefield’s Malls for FREE for everyone so they have a place to find good quality free content. I won’t get into all the people in OSGrid that benefit from us GIVING them regions, but there are plenty I assure you, and that is OUR business if we want to do that.

It’s becoming clearer and clearer that Metropolis is the one benefiting from all this. One could even speculate, just like everyone from Metropolis is speculating about Hiro/OSGrid, Littlefield, etc.. that THEY are the ones causing the trouble on OSGrid simply to increase traffic on THEIR grid. This BTW is a wonderful way to promote how great your grid is. Let’s get a bunch of people to troll all the forums, create blogs, come into EVERY meeting at OSGrid and cause disorder, etc… That’s a great strategy Metropolis, good luck with that.

Frankly, anyone with a grain of intelligence can see that OSGrid has NO agenda. Look at the quality people we have blogging these things. We’ve got a child avatar that makes things up on his blog about other people (aka Korgi Silvercloud / Jai the grid explorer kid). Here’s a person that has created/offered ZERO to OSGrid in the way of content, productivity, community, etc… but is running about spewing lies about the grid and promoting Metropolis… coincidence? I can’t help but wonder if Metropolis is giving these bloggers and troublemakers free regions on their grid in return for the favor. See… I can speculate too. Course I list it as a speculation, THESE people list it as fact.

While I’m at it since everyone is hell bent on bashing Hiro Protaganist over the so called “new” child avatar policy at OSGrid, feel free to direct your attention to this blog:

This post is 2 years old. Funny, I don’t remember Hiro running the grid 2 years ago, yet the same policy and problem regarding this existed 2 years ago. This happens everytime a child avatar is told “no”. Guess you have to consider the source, if you are a child avatar, you probably act like a child, and these blog entries by them is a good case in point. Funny that other “groups” are excluded from being what THEY would like to be at PG/G areas of SL and many other grids and yet they don’t spew lies and throw a little tantrum. I wonder why the “child avis” are so hell bent on this… Should I speculate on what THEIR agenda is? No, I won’t do that, I’ll let YOU figure out for yourself what you think these adults running child avi’s are up to….. Metropolis Grid is starting to look more and more like a Meta 7 replacement….

~ by walterbalazic on February 5, 2013.

7 Responses to “Lying will always improve your agenda…. Metropolis Grid”

  1. Are you joking?? Do you really just said the Admins of the Metrogrid are responsible for this mess or behind some wrong doers ? Where did you read Admins of Metro are speculating anything about Hiro ? Can you Post a link ? All those people taking nad about Hiro are mostly old osgrid residents or trolls. people 2days old in metro mayby sayong something against osgrid are not metro admins nor the official voice of metro. people are moving to many other Worlds but Metro is easily Dockable and Not restricted or closed. Thats the reason for their Influx.

    • Oh… so you want proof? It’s ok for Ja’s blog to say that MY group has taken over the Greeter group at OSGrid, badmouth me, badmouth my group, and badmouth OSGrid with not ONE shred of proof, but when I do a little “speculating” all hell breaks loose, and I’m the asshole… Where are all of you asking for proof from Ja on HIS claim that Littlefield has thing ONE to do with the OSGrid greeters group? Where are you asking for proof that Hiro is making any FINANCIAL benefit by being the grid admin? I don’t see anyone asking for any of that, why is that?

      • Sorry but i did not say you are an a***ole . I did not ask Hiro anything because i have nothing against him nor do i question his behaviour, besides in my opinion he is not very diplomatic as the Head of my current Homegrid. I was asking you why you say / speculate the Metro Admins are behind this. Nothing more.

  2. you are the only lyer, nobody else. but if this make you lucky, make it. typical US. take care of your owen grid and rl country and dont play police in the rest of the world.

    • Oh look let’s lump all of the US into being bad people…. There’s a surprise. I allowed this reply so everyone can see the quality of individual that is behind all this rabblerousing you are all seeing. Here’s someone that is against EVERYONE in the US. How community minded….

  3. this is very confusing and troubling to someone who is researching on where to set up our new home region.

    • Well Maggie.. first of all this post is about 4 mos old and alot of the “sabre rattling” has pretty much ended. Fact is OSGrid is a great grid to set up for home. It’s free, it’s extremely well supported, and it’s a great starting point to get used to the ins and outs of Opensimulator.

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